Established in 2021, Vibroluxe is a patented, multi-dimensional sound-system using integrated software and hardware that delivers highly nuanced bass frequencies.
The Vibroluxe sound-delivery system intensifies music beyond traditional speakers or headphones. Additionally, Vibroluxe products connect to an Iphone via Bluetooth to deliver a fully-customizable, full-body sound wave massage and accentuated music experience. Bringing good vibes to life, Vibroluxe opens the door for enhanced focus and creativity at work, as well as relaxation, meditation and sound therapy, as well as when gaming.
Vibroluxe makes the only patented, ergonomic, immersive sound system and sound wave massage chair on the market. Vibroluxe’s innovative technology offers a portal for comfort and enjoyment, relaxation and meditation, as well as enhanced productivity and creativity while sitting. The bass vibrations also improve the negative effects of sitting for long periods of time and improves the circulation of blood, lymph and nervous system.

The body senses and responds to the deep bass frequencies on many levels.

Receptors on the surface of the skin
Receptors in muscle tissue
Sound penetrates deep into the crystalline layer, resulting in a felt sense of the auditory stimulus on the surface of the skin
Currently, Vibroluxe’s vibrating sound and sound wave massage systems incorporate tactile-transducers into office chairs and daybeds. The beneficial applications of our patent-awarded technology are wide and varied — uses such as enhanced physical therapy and massage to aiding the hearing-impaired to a new way to feel music. Vibroluxe is working to adapt the technology to other kinds of furniture, and exploring retail partnerships.

A professional guitarist for three decades, David Sampson plays jazz, rock, blues and R&B on stages around the world. He’s performed with many notable artists including Charles Earland, Freddie Hubbard, Peven Everette, Somi, Lauryn Hill, Ceelo Green, John Legend, Anthony Hamilton and Craig Robinson.
While he remains an active guitarist, a chance encounter in 2016 redirected his trajectory from musician to entrepreneur.
David was casually strolling the exhibitor area at the National Association of Music Merchandisers (NAMM) Show, where hundreds of booths unfolded endlessly in all directions, offering the latest gear for the musical masses.
Wandering through the sea of people and products, Sampson ended up in an empty corner of the Anaheim Convention Center where he locked eyes with a man at a booth who looked like he’d been waiting a long time to talk to someone.
“Hello,” David says, mostly out of friendly courtesy.
“Hey man, do you know what a tactile transducer is?,” the gentleman bellowed with a smile.
“No,” David replied.
“A tactile transducer is like a speaker,” the man continued. “But instead of pushing sound through the air like a speaker does, a transducer sends sound vibrations directly into a surface that you can feel within your body…Here, try it.”
“What I felt when that man instructed me to stand on a two-foot-square piece of wood–when he sent the signal through the system–changed my life and my relationship to music forever. It was my eureka moment. It felt amazing and I immediately thought of the potential as a therapeutic device,” Sampson says. “It actually reminded me of a colored light healing apparatus I had seen in my grandfather’s office.”
Inspired to explore the connection of sound and transducers, David returned home and began experimenting.

David’s grandfather was an Herbalist and one of the first Naturopaths* in the United States. In 1928, he opened a pharmacy in Chicago, Dr. Michael’s Herbs, one of the first stores of its kind. A trailblazer, he formulated and shipped specialized herb blends and tinctures around the world and practiced until the ripe age of 82.

Image Credit: www.danielpalacios.info/waves
Using the guitar, bass, synthesizer and his voice, David consumed himself with experimentation, as the feeling was so amazing. He used digital delay and other effects to see if he could get a swirling effect or something similarly profound.
It wasn’t long before Sampson began incorporating the concept of Binaural Beats*–where you put on headphones and hear two different tones, thereby entraining the brain waves to the space between the two tones.
He thought, if binaural beats work with two speakers (stereo) on the ears, could I make binaural beats in the body?
That is when Sampson placed the platform under his 12-inch memory foam mattress to see if it would transmit the vibrations through the mattress. He used a tone generator app on his phone and began experimenting with different frequencies. He sent one tone through the left channel and another on the right channel and he knew he was on to something big.
“I felt the beat frequency go through my body. It felt like I was floating, it stopped my mind from thinking and made me focus on the feeling, which was what I was looking for!”
This breakthrough reassured David this discovery was what he needed to focus on. He partnered with app programmers, sound healers, carpenters and furniture builders to bring the gift of sound vibration to people all over the world.
In 2020, David acquired a patent on his technology, conducted a successful Kickstarter campaign and Vibroluxe was formally established in 2021.
Vibroluxe makes the only patented, ergonomic, sound system and sound wave massage chair on the market. The Vibrochair connects via Bluetooth so you can listen to music or download the app for a sensational sound wave massage. Either way, you’re in for a remarkably unique experience that will enhance your productivity and creativity, help you relax, provide stimulation and offer a new avenue for listening to and feeling music.
*What are Binaural Beats?
Medically Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on April 12, 2021
A binaural beat is an illusion created by the brain when you listen to two tones with slightly different frequencies at the same time.
**Your Brain and Binaural Beats
Your brain interprets the two tones as a beat of its own. The two tones align with your brain waves to produce a beat with a different frequency. This frequency is the difference in hertz (Hz) between the frequencies of the two tones. For example, if you are listening to a 440 Hz tone with your left ear and a 444 Hz tone with your right ear, you would be hearing a 4 Hz tone. When you listen to binaural beats, your brain activity matches the frequency set by the frequency of the beat. This is called the frequency-following effect. This means you can use binaural beats to entrain your mind to reach a certain mental state.
Source https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-are-binaural-beats